AGO Rule Sheet

AGO Rule Sheet  (rev. 10/21/20)

General:  Participants shall adhere to the 2019 official USGA rules of golf.  With the goal of “speed of play,” in mind, the AGO rules committee has made the following rule adjustments and exceptions (“deviations from official rules”) as well as certain emphasis on existing rules.    

  • Maximum “8” stroke on any hole.  If you have taken 8 strokes on any hole and have not holed out, pick up your ball and record an 8 on your scorecard.

  • Play “ready” golf.  Keep it moving.  AGO has authorized the local rangers to penalize any group for slow play by advancing that group one hole, and each player in that group will record an 8 on their scorecard for the skipped hole.

  • Lost ball.  Maximum time permitted to search for a lost ball is 3 minutes.  In lieu of the official rules, AGO will permit the player to drop a ball within two club lengths, no closer to the hole, from where you and your playing partner(s) last witnessed the ball in play under penalty of just one stroke.
  • EMBEDDED BALL..  Per USGA Rules, a ball embedded in the general playing area (fairway or rough)  but not in a hazard, can be lifted from its embedded lie, and placed in the general area, no closer to the hole, with no penalty

  • OB.  Option 1: One stroke and distance.  You may also verbally declare a “provisional” and proceed pursuant to the USGA rules.  Option 2: An alternative to stroke and distance. You may drop the ball in the vicinity of where the ball is out of bounds (including the nearest fairway, no closer to the hole, within two club lengths within the edge of the fairway), under a 2 stroke penalty.

  • Putts.  All putts must be holed out.

  • The Ball is to be played “down.”  You may not touch without penalty, except under USGA rules or local rules, if applicable, as stated below.

  • Bunkers.  Rake your footprints.  If you are in a footprint or other irregularity, lift, clean and place.

  • Scorecard.  Must be completed, the gross score totaled, the handicap subtracted, and the net score entered.  The card must be signed by you and the scorer.  Incomplete or inaccurate cards are grounds for disqualification.  

  • Infractions.  If you have witnessed a possible penalty.  Finish the hole but do not sign the scorecard until you have reported it to a board member for a final ruling.

  • Hole-in-One:  Free entry in all AGO tournaments for one year and membership renewal dues.

Local Rules for :  

Lift/Clean/Place:  To be determined by the Tournament Committee prior to the round. This does not include if your ball is embedded in the fairway or rough. See rule 4 above. Some mud on the ball may not cause this rule to be enacted for a tournament, as it is part of the game of golf.

** See Rule Sheet in your cart for more tournament specific local rules. **